About Amna Sabahat

Amna Sabahat Bhutta is a kind, compassionate and understanding human. She did her Masters in International Affairs with concentration in Economic and Political Development, and specialization in International Conflict Resolution from Columbia University, New York. During her Master’s degree, she worked with Global Partners for Development (GPfD) to design accessible, affordable, and individualized commitment savings products to empower and incentivize low-income women in Uganda. She is currently a teacher at National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST). She has also worked as an information analyst for a multinational, Global Rescue, as the regional ambassador to South Asia for Global Zero, and as a research assistant with her Head of Department while doing her Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication from NUST. She has been awarded with Emerging Leader and Distinguished Alumni Award by Pakistan-US Alumni Network and US State Department, as an appreciation for her volunteer work and community service.

Amna’s studies and work have centered around the concept that “considering the information communication advancements of the 21st century, there is a dire need for individuals to come forward and shape a new world interaction based on understanding, compassion, cooperation, and human values.” She sees a great need to encourage the people to engage in critical thinking, research, and investigation to avoid seeing others solely through a “prism of nationality, race, gender, religion or culture.” She has extensive experience in facilitating international cultural exchange dialogues; building coalitions, based on human values, around the world.

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